Swiss Text Analytics Conference

Call for Workshops

We cordially invite submissions of proposals for shared tasks, workshops, and tutorials to be held at the SwissText 2025 conference ( SwissText will take place on 14th and 15th of May, 2025 at ZHAW in Winterthur.


ABOUT SwissText

SwissText is an annual conference that brings together text analytics experts from industry and academia. It is organized by the Swiss Association for Natural Language Processing (SwissNLP) in collaboration with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW).



This edition of SwissText will be special, since we celebrate its 10th anniversary! This is a great opportunity to look back. Hence, in addition to novel ideas for shared tasks, we also invite previous organizers of shared tasks to re-submit their ideas: What has changed since the last run of the shared task? Is the task still relevant? Do LLMs solve everything now? This offers us to see what progress has been made over the years.


To give you some ideas, here is a list of previous shared tasks:

  • NLP for Sustainable Development Goals Monitoring
  • Swissdox Hackathon
  • Detecting greenwashing signals through a comparison of ESG reports and public media
  • Swiss German Speech to Standard German Text Shared Task
  • Low-Resource Speech-to-Text
  • The Sentence End and Punctuation Prediction in NLG text (SEPP-NLG)
  • German Text Summarization Challenge
  • .. and many more (see the SwissText website archive)!




Proposals for shared tasks should contain:

  • a title and a brief description of the topic of the task 
  • a description of the data sets that will be used in the shared task and their readiness
  • a sketch of how the submitted systems will be evaluated
  • a tentative timeline 


Proposals for workshops should contain:

  • a title and a brief description of the topic
  • a description of the intended audience
  • workshop format (paper presentations, poster session, etc.)
  • a tentative timeline


Proposals for tutorials should contain:

  • a title and a brief description of the topic and the goal of the tutorial
  • an introduction of the workshop speakers and their background and expertise
  • a description of the intended audience and the required level of expertise (beginners, experts, etc.)
  • a tentative outline of the tutorial schedule


Note that the organization and running of the shared tasks, workshops, and tutorial is in the hands of the respective organizers. The SwissText organizers will provide infrastructure (rooms, paper submission platform) and assist where they can, of course.

Interested? We are looking forward to your proposals. Submit your proposals by email to no later than December 15, 2024. Notifications will be sent out in the beginning of 2025.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline for Workshop Proposals: December 15, 2024

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline for Workshop Proposals: December 15, 2024