Proceedings Preprint


Monday, 10. June 2024

08:15-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:25 Welcome Speech
09:25-10:25 Keynote: Lewis Tunstall – “Aligning Foundation models in 2024″
10:25-10:50 Coffee Break

Scientific: LLMs
Chair: Jan Deriu
Room: Aula

Applied: AI in the medical domain and research
Chair: Simone Griesser
Room: SIL
RAG, Unveiling the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation I
Room: A2.06
AI Support Systems for Academic Research I
Room: A2.07
SDG Classification Using Instruction-Tuned LLMs Leveraging LLMs to Enhance Clinical Record Analysis and Retrieval
Tracing Linguistic Footprints of ChatGPT Across Tasks, Domains and Personas in English and German Medicrawl: an ML based system to automate the search of illegal products in ecommerce
Zero-Shot Award Criteria extraction via Large Language Models from German Procurement Data from Switzerland Reducing complexity of Scientific Literature by automated simplification and translation
12:20-13:35 Lunch
13:35-14:35 Keynote: Michèle Balthasar – Understanding AI and Copyright
14:35-15:35 Applied: AI models and tools
Chair: Fabio Rinaldi
Room: Aula
Applied: Detecting LLM-Generated Text and Topic Modelling
Chair: Philipp Kuntschik
Room: SIL
RAG, Unveiling the Power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation II
Room: A2.06
AI Support Systems for Academic Research II
Room: A2.07
Swiss AI Initiative  – Collecting Large Amounts of High-Quality Data for Training Large Language Models Presenting BUST – A benchmark for the evaluation of system detectors of LLM-Generated Text 
PROMISE: Model-Driven Stateful Prompt Orchestration for Persuasive Conversational Interactions Online BERT-based Topic Modelling
15:35-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 Keynote: Jesse Berent – Online Handwriting Recognition in the Vision-Language Models age
17:00-17:15 Minute Madness
17:15-18:15 Poster Session und Apero
19:00-23:00 Urban Golf and After Party at Toms Beer Box (food and drinks not included; free entry)

Tuesday, 11. June 2024

08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-10:00 Keynote: Torsten Zesch – Why aren’t available NLP methods more frequently used in the classroom? – The curious case of free-text answer scoring
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break

Scientific: Multilinguality
Chair: Katsiaryna Mlynchyk
Room: Aula

Grounding Generative AI
Room: SIL
Next-Gen Cleantech Solutions I
Room: A2.06 + A2.07
Shared Task
NLP for Sustainable Development Goals Monitoring
Room: A2.02
Fine-tuning the SwissBERT Encoder Model for Embedding Sentences and Documents
Evaluating Labor Market Biases Reflected in German Word Embeddings
Data Augmentation for Multi-Class Eating Disorders Text Classification
Classifying multilingual party manifestos: Domain transfer across country, time, and genre
12:30-13:45 Lunch Break
13:45-15:45 Applied: AI in industry and practice
Chair: Norman Süsstrunk
Room: Aula
Battle of NLP Ideas
Room: SIL

Next-Gen Cleantech Solutions II

Room: A2.06 + A2.07

Chatbot Evolution at Swisscom Customer Support
Kickstarting legal multi-label classification experimentation
An LLM-based Chatbot for Joint Access to Customer and Corporate data
Creating a virtual receptionist to lighten your employees’ workload: a case study with the canton of Jura and subsidies for training.
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-16:30 SwissNLP Award and SwissText 2025 announcement
16:30-17:30 Keynote: Leon Derczynski – Attacks on Large Language Models
17:30-17:50 Closing Session


  • Main conference room
    • Aula
  • Conference and Workshop Rooms
    • Service Innovation Lab (SIL; Applied, Scientific, Workshop)
    • A.018 (Luggage, No liability by the organizer)
    • A2.02 (Workshop)
    • A2.06 (Workshop)
    • A2.07 (Workshop)
    • A2.08 (Co-Working-Space for participants)
  • Coffee breaks, Lunch (in front of the Aula)
    • Seats in the canteen and garden behind it
  • Toilets
    • Ground floor

Thank you for participating in SwissText 2024. Please let us know here which workshops you are planning to attend.