SwissText 2018

3rd Swiss Text Analytics Conference

Workshop at the 3rd Swiss Text Analytics Conference,
Wednesday June 13, 2018

Hate Speech Hackathon


During this hackathon you can prove your NLP skills, compare yourself with others and win a delicious prize. The goal is to apply supervised machine learning algorithms to a dataset of hate speech.

The datasets (for training and testing) and a baseline solution can be downloaded at:

More infos will be given within the workshop.

Please upload your predictions (0 for “not hate speech”, 1 for “hate speech”) for the test data to: upload form.

You will be evaluated on the F1-Score of your predictions. The highest F1-Score for the “hate speech” class wins the prize! The hackathon will start at 13:45 and end at 15:30. Good luck and have fun!

The Organizers

This Hackathon will be organized by University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and University of Applied Sciences Zurich.
